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Basic CERT
Anyone who just takes Basic CERT training is saying they will assist their fellow neighbor during a time of disaster. Every member is required to join at this level and make that commitment. While people will respond to others in need without the training, one goal of the Basic CERT program is to help our members do so effectively and efficiently without placing themselves in unnecessary danger. Therefore, all members receive BASIC CERT training where they learn the following:
· treat the three medical killers by opening airways
· manage utilities and put out small fires
· controlling bleeding, and treating for shock
· provide basic medical aid
· search for and rescue victims safely
· organize themselves and spontaneous volunteers to be effective
· collect disaster intelligence to support first responder efforts
Advanced CERT
Starting in 2008 and having grown since, Advanced CERT offers our Basic CERT members an opportunity to assist their community without there being a major disaster activation. Since its creation, numerous CERT members have taken training in Ham Radio, First Responder, Wilderness Search, Wide Area Search, Sheltering, Disaster Animal Response Team and much more.
Basic CERT members who are willing to make the time commitment can consider becoming part of Advanced CERT. CERT members often take training and choose to be involved in one or several of the five divisions of the Advanced CERT program:
Spartanburg Search & Rescue
Support Services
Disaster Animal Response
Emergency Communications
To be eligible for Advanced CERT which comprises all of the CERT divisions highlighted on our website, one must submit a Volunteer Submission for and/or attend our next scheduled Basic CERT Class. Once Basic CERT training is complete and the pass the Sterling Volunteer credentialing process, they are added to the Advanced CERT roster. From there, members can pick one, several or all divisions to service in