Welcome to our page
Welcome to the Spartanburg County CERT page. This page provides basic info about the program. Those interested in knowing more about the program or joining are encouraged to call 864-595-5368, submit an online membership form or send an email to rswofford@spartanburgcounty.org.
With over 90 active, trained searchers, in addition to 7 K9 handlers (10 K9's with 1 NAPWDA/NNDDA Air Scent/Cadaver, 1 AMPWDA Level 2 Air Scent, 2 NNDDA Cadaver/HRD Land, 1 AMPWDA Level 2 trailing, 1 Certified Air Scent/Cadaver), several K9 handlers in-training, 8 licensed drone pilots, several trained side scan sonar operators, and 20 plus support members, we are a multifaceted team. When requested, we tailor our response to the needs of the requesting agency. Whatever service(s) we can provide, we'll do so to the best of our ability. To learn more, click below or to activate us, call 864-595-5368.
Support Services
One of most important things for First Responders to receive during long responses are proper hydration and nutrition. Already equipped with supplies, a Support Trailer equipped for long emergency responses, Support Services provides a very comprehensive Support Services effort.
With over 100 Support Service activations and counting, our unit is much busier than one would think. While our primary function is to assist first responders on long duration responses, we assist wherever called upon.
In addition to Response Rehab, CERT Support helps organize/run the annual Spartanburg Community Emergency Preparedness Day, on 3 separate occasions has ran donation centers, on several occasions has supported 5K events, and on numerous occasions has assisted with traffic/barricade/special event tasks/duties. In addition, those on Support Services have received training in damage assessment, points of distribution, among other skill sets. Therefore, our group can provide an array of services to anyone who requests them.
During a time of disaster or even extreme cold, the CERT shelter team will either assist the Red Cross with county sheltering needs and/or open up one of our own pet friendly shelters. Since officially incorporating sheltering into a service we offer, we've purchased 4 shelter kits, 2 shelter trailers, and our DART trailer to assist with Pet Friendly sheltering. Whether we're opening a temporary shelter due to an apartment fire or an evacuation shelter due to a hurricane, we are equipment to handle most sheltering needs that might arise.
Disaster Animal Response
The mission of the Spartanburg County Disaster Animal Response Team (DART) is to promote the safety and well-being of all animals who are or may be adversely affected during a disaster and to respond to the needs of those who provide emergency and supportive care to animals during all phases of a disaster. This is accomplished in 3 ways: 1) Preparedness, 2) Awareness, and 3) Response. Our primary response effort, in non-disaster times, are assisting the co human/pet shelters provided by Spartanburg County CERT via the Office of Emergency Management.
EOC Response Unit/Comms
Our Emergency Communications division is intertwined with every division since we rely on our Communications personnel in every facet of what we do. So, whether we're doing a Support call, or a SAR assignment, or a Shelter/DART activation, communications is taking place. Therefore, this division was created in an effort to take those interested in communications, teach them what's needed to effectively administer emergency communications and provide them opportunities to perform do so.
​In the beginning of our program, we purchased the necessary equipment needed for debris removal. However, the need to utilize these tools didn't arise until 2020. This year alone we have had 4 debris activations with jobs remaining due to COVID19. Therefore, we reference this Support Services Function separate due to the training many of our debris volunteers have with chainsaws, heavy equipment, etc.